Monday, November 22, 2010

A Christmas present

I love Christmas!!!
Is the season when all the family members gather around the table and have a delicious dinner. I remember the Christmas I spent when I was a kid, the smell of the turkey my grandma had in the oven, or the tasty pasta my mom was preparing.
Me playing with my cousins and the gifts we opened with such enthusiasm and excitement.

Now I tried that my girls have a special Christmas so they have good memories about it.

My new painting reflect that innocence of the my little girls, the excitment of giving and sharing.
Enjoy this Christmas Present


  1. What a gorgeous painting Mirlette! Hope you enjoy the Thanksgiving Holiday with your loved ones!

  2. Thanks Julie!!!
    Best wishes for you too and for the baby

  3. Great painting. Just stopped by to wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy!:)



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